Sketch 101

A free 7-day email course

Since bursting onto the scene in 2010, Sketch has become an essential part of any modern UI designer’s toolkit. It's easier to use than Photoshop and Illustrator, and could help you to upskill fast.

In just 30 minutes a day, you’ll:

  • Master key skills like how to navigate Sketch's interface, create shapes & symbols, and manage a professional workflow.
  • Apply your knowledge through a daily hands-on tutorial, free downloadable templates, and a Sketch cheat sheet.
  • Learn advanced techniques that most intro courses don’t cover!

You’re one step closer to being a Sketch ninja 💪
Check your inbox for Lesson 1!

Why should you learn Sketch?

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Sketch on its own is a great tool for anyone working with graphics at any level of experience.

— Engadget

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If you’re a member of the web or UI design community, it’s hard to avoid talking about Sketch.

— Smashing Magazine