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Foundations Notice
Enroll in Foundations if you intend to apply for UX Academy. Design 101 is no longer accepted as a prerequisite course.

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Hey, looks like you’ve already enrolled.

Please check your email to confirm your enrollment and complete your profile before the course begins.

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Welcome to

Welcome to

Class of 2023

Please check your email to confirm
your enrollment and complete your
profile before the course begins.

On your phone? No worries, you can come back and complete your profile later. We'll send you a link.

We're excited to have you in our course!

There's one more step to complete your enrollment. Please create your profile now so you can start the course on time.

Create your username and password

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Setup your profile

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Design 101

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Tips for a good profile photo:

  • Use a clear, high-resolution photo
  • Use a JPG or PNG, no GIFs :)
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Share this link with your friends to hook them up with a $25 discount! Designlab is more fun when you do it with people you know :)

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You’re all registered and ready to go!
On , you'll get an email with instructions to start the course no later than 5pm ET (normally earlier).

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It's helpful for us to match you with a mentor in your area.

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